7  General methods and concepts

8 Hyper-parameter tuning

The hyper-parameters (e.g. kernel, gamma, number of nodes in tree) are not trained by algorithm itself. An outer loop of hyper-parameter tuning is needed to find the optimal hyper parameters.
! It is strongly recommended to separate another validation set from the training set for hyper-parameter tuning (you’ll end up with training-, validation- and test-set). See Cross Validation for best practice.

9 Model selection

The candidates for hyper-parameters must not be evaluated on the same data that you trained it on (over-fitting risk). Thus, we separate another data-set from the training data: The validation set. This is reduces the amount of training data drastically. Therefore we use the approaches of Cross Validation and Bootstrapping.

9.1 Cross Validation

In k-fold Cross Validation, we split the training set into k sub-sets. We train on the samples in k-1 sub-sets and validate using the data in the remaining sub-set. We iterate until we have validated on each sub-set once. We then average out the k scores we obtain.

Schema of the process for 5-fold Cross Validation. The data is first split into training- and test-data. The training data is split into 5 sub-sets. The algorithm is trained on 4 sub-sets and evaluated on the remaining sub-set. Each sub-set is used for validation once. Source: scikit-learn.org.
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
SVM_clf = svm.SVC (kernel='polynomial')
cv_scores = cross_val_score(SVM_clf, X, y, cv = 7)
cv_score = cv_scores.mean()

More info: scikit-learn.org

! If you have time-series data (and other clearly not i.i.d.) data, you have to use special cross-validation strategies. There are further strategies worth considering.


Instead of splitting the data into k subsets, you can also just sample data into training and validation sets.
More info: wikipedia.org.

9.2 Errors & regularization

There are irreducible errors and reducible errors. Irreducible errors stem from unknown variables or variables we have no data on. Reducible errors are deviations from our model to its desired behavior and can be reduced. Bias and variance are reducible errors.

\text{Error} = \text{Bias} + \text{Var} + \text{irr. Error}

9.3 Bias and Variance

Bias of an estimator

Bias tells you if your model oversimplifies the true relationship in your data (underfitting).
You have a model with a parameter \hat{\theta} that is an estimator for the true \theta. You want to know whether your model over- or underestimates the true \theta systematically.

\text{Bias}[\hat{\theta}]=\text{E}_{X|\mathcal{D}}[\hat{\theta}]- \theta

E.g. if the parameter captures how polynomial the model / relationship of your data is, a too high value means that your model is underfitting.

More info: wikipedia.org

Variance of an estimator

Variance tells you if your model learns from noise instead of the true relationship in your data (overfitting).

\text{Var}[\hat{\theta}]=\text{E}_{X|\mathcal{D}}[(\text{E}_{X|\mathcal{D}}[\hat{\theta}]- \hat{\theta})^2] i.e. If you would bootstrap your data, it would show you how much your parameter would jump around its mean, when it learns from the different sampled sets.

Your goal is now to find the sweet spot between a too biased (too simple model) and a model with too high variance (too complex model).

Relationship between bias, variance and the total error. The minimum of the total error lies at the best compromise between bias and variance. Source: User Bigbossfarin on wikimedia.org..

More info: wikipedia.org

9.4 Regularization

To combat overfitting, we can introduce a term into our loss-function that penalizes complex models. For linear regression, our regularized loss function is will be:

\min L(\hat{y},y)= \min_{W,b} f(WX+b,y)+\lambda R(W) where f is the unregularized loss function, W is the weight matrix, X is the sample matrix and b is the bias or offset term of the model (bias term \neq bias of estimator!). R is the regularization function and \lambda is a parameter controlling its strength.
i.e. The regularized loss function punishes large weights W and leads to flatter/smoother functions.

More info: wikipedia.org

9.5 Bagging

Train several instances of a complex estimator (aka. strong learner, like large decision trees or KNN with small radius) on a subset of the data. Then use a majority vote or average the scores for classifying to get the final prediction. By training on different subsets and averaging the results, the chances of overfitting are greatly reduced.

from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
bagging = BaggingClassifier(KNeighborsClassifier(), max_features=0.5, n_estimators=20)

More info: scikit-learn.org

A classic example for a bagging classifier is Random Forest Classifier or its variant Extremely Randomized Trees which further reduces variance and increases bias.

9.6 Boosting

Compared to bagging, we use weak learners that are not trained independently of each other. We start with a single weak learner (e.g. a small decision tree) and repeat the following steps:

  1. Add an additional model and train it.
  2. Increase weights of training samples that are falsely classified, decrease weights of correctly classified samples. (to be used by next added model.)
  3. Reweight results from the models in the combined model to reduce the training error.

The final model is an weighted ensemble of weak classifiers.
The most popular ones are gradient boosted decision tree algorithms.

9.7 Stacking

Stacking closely resembles bagging: An ensemble of separately trained base models is used to create an ensemble model. However, the continuous (instead of discrete) outputs of commonly fewer heterogeneous models (instead of same type of models) are used. The continuous outputs are then fed into a final estimator (commonly logistic regression classifier).

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.ensemble import StackingClassifier

classifiers = [
    ('svc', SVC()),
    ('knn', KNeighborsClassifier()),
    ('dtc', DecisionTreeClassifier())

clf = StackingClassifier(
    classifiers=estimators, final_estimator=LogisticRegression()

clf.fit(X, y)

More info: scikit-learn.org